🌐 Thematic Interests

  • Technology
  • Machine Learning
  • Healthcare
  • Healthcare Architecture
  • Built Environment
  • Applied Arts
  • Blockchain
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🌐 Research Interests

OpenAI LLM/GPT-4 s a tool to interrogate new ideas.
How to make physical writing more productive? How to optimise the activity?
Revit Adaptive Components — the new frontier?
For this portfolio website, how about a summarised / succinct naming convention for passion projects? — Modularity, Space, Repetition = Modularised Proposals, Gambar Senibina, #SeamlessAt42?
Emojis and it’s use in modern-day communication — both formal and informal scenarios
How to integrate Gather Town with current workflows?
For this portfolio website, how to utilize other Notion databases for a full CMS-style approach?
But yes, still, something to ponder about for for the time being first!
But! from the top of my head, this will be useful in scenarios such as writings and whatnot. because I would want to share those content pretty much “freely”!
Yes it is possible — clearly as below. But! The problem is that if I used the initial page / database as an archive of sorts, that means having to include all the extra content too! i.e. if it was a Modularised Proposal, that includes rendering files and whatnot which is clearly really messy. So yeah, something to think about!



Research Repository
PDF Original
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PDF Marked-Up
Built Environment
Multi Objective Design Interface.pdf
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Built Environment
Topological infrastructure analysis of the built environment.pdf
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